overseas delivery
Orders from outside the United Kingdom
Orders from outside the United Kingdom are charged a postage & packing fee.
All parcels are packaged flat and sent by International tracked, which is a tracked and signed for service.
We will ship your order as soon as possible. A delivery day will be provided to you once your order has been placed and payment received.
If you have a specific date in mind for your parcel to arrive, please get in touch
Please note: The recipient is responsible for import clearance procedures and any costs incurred in that process. Please see section below for further information:
Duties, Taxes & Customs – Important information!
We would like to make you aware all international orders are sent using a delivered duty unpaid service: If you are ordering outside the United Kingdom there may be local customs charges, taxes and import duties for you to pay.
All customs charges, taxes and import duties levied in the destination country are the sole responsibility of the purchaser / receiver / buyer. These duties must be paid by the recipient for customs to release the shipment after it arrives in the destination country
You will be able to find out further information from your local government and get an indication of what these charges may be by looking at their website for customs, duties and taxes information.