‘Seven Mile House’ sits within the Broads National Park, a landscape of rare character, rich in biodiversity and teeming with plant and animal life. Positioned at or below sea level and close to the coast, this region depends on a complex network of cuts, dykes, and drainage pumps to maintain land that was once submerged by the sea. Fragility, impermanence, loss, and narrative define this place – a landscape shaped by those who lived and worked here, investing deeply in it as they built their homes and made it their own.
This project began in early February 2016 with several weeks of walks, documented through drawing and photography. Drawing on archival materials, maps, aerial imagery, and historical texts, it explores three specific routes leading to a single destination: Reedham to Berney Arms, Wickhampton to Berney Arms, and Great Yarmouth to Berney Arms.
‘Seven Mile House’ is a five-colour engraving, printed on an Albion press and completed in 2017, alongside other engravings in this series
Shortlisted for the RBSA Print Prize 2018