
For me, research and practice become one within a practice-based approach to research. Contextualization and reflection facilitate a clear understanding of the questions, concepts and ideas under scrutiny within the investigation and the work being made, where practice is seen to be research, as through making I seek to discover new ways of looking at and understanding the world we live in.
The practice of making work and exploring ideas means we are truly immersed in an original and creative process of discovery, one where we are not always sure of outcomes, the contexts or the developmental direction of the work being made. So I’m probably not alone in having found it difficult to understand the interstices between making work, practice and research.
Here an original investigation allows new knowledge to be held and created within the outcomes of my printmaking practice.
The North Norfolk coast has long been associated with some of the key concepts at play within my current practice. Temporality, loss, fragility, the process of coastal erosion, storms, sea surges and rising sea levels impact directly on Walcott as a place. Read more…
The Broads is a place with a sense of uniqueness, with a unique biodiversity and ecology rich in plant and animal life. Work began on this project in early February 2016, where over a period of several weeks many walks were taken and recorded through drawing and photography. Read more…
Over a period of four years between 2012 and 2016, I walked, drew, read and made engravings about where I lived, using my practice to help construct home and place from the space I found myself living as a direct response to connect to my new home on the North Norfolk coast. Read more…
This project took a practice led research approach where I questioned the role of drawing within practice and sought to clarify the significance of drawing within a personal context and as such contextualise my drawing practice within the wider field of contemporary drawing research. Read more…
A series of prints begins to uncover the role of collecting, collections, drawing and engraving. Objects have value, meaning and cultural significance and can be seen as communicators of status, ideas, history, narrative and trace. This research explores how drawing collections relates to collecting. Read more…